Terms and Conditions


Upon signing the Agreement, both parties agree on the following steps:

1. The Customer will provide Interactio with all the information about the Event and the one needed for the Platform to work (including but not limited to planned-to-use hardware component models, software versions, existing configurations, infrastructure, venue, and other information requested separately by Interactio). The Customer agrees to provide the information mentioned hereof within a reasonable time determined by Interactio, but at least 3 weeks before the Event.

2. Customer will connect Interactio team with their designated technical team/person and network professionals at the venue at least 3 weeks before the Event. After receiving answers about the network configurations, Interactio will provide recommendations on the optimal setup at the venue*. 

3. The Customer agrees to dedicate a person who will set-up and configure all the components needed for the Interactio Platform according to the recommendations made by Interactio or to inform Interactio separately that Interactio has to dedicate such a person for an additional fee which is not included in the total Agreement value.

4. The Customer commits to keep any set-up changes made to the network and other equipment, which enables the Platform to function, unaltered the whole usage time of the Platform.

5. The Customer is fully responsible for ensuring sufficient internet connection and the necessary equipment at the venue (except equipment rented from Interactio (if any)).

6. Depending on the Agreement, the Customer will receive access to the internal Interactio Event management system, or Interactio team will set up the Event on the Event management system.

4. Interactio will provide online technical training and/or consultations between Interactio and the Customer’s technical teams (valid in case of a subscription).

5. Interactio will provide sales/communication training for the Customer (valid only for reselling agreements).

6. Customer will test the equipment needed for the Event and Interactio software at the Event’s venue at least 7 days before the actual Event. Once the test is done, the Customer will inform Interactio.

7. Interactio will give confirmation if the test was successful.

8. If the test was unsuccessful or any issues occurred:

(a) Interactio team will contact the Customer’s technical team to provide recommendations. The Customer then shall eliminate the issue that caused the unsuccessful test.

(b) The Customer’s technical team will repeat the test if necessary.

(c) Interactio will give confirmation that the Customer can proceed with the Event. If not, the process will be repeated from step (a).

9. Depending on the Agreement, the Customer’s technical team or Interactio technical team will run the Platform for the Event. Interactio technical team support might be available based on the scope of ordered Services. 

10. The Customer is fully responsible for ensuring that all speakers at the Event(s) use a dedicated headset microphone that is positioned in appropriate proximity to the mouth for the best audio quality.

11. Interactio will provide recordings, statistics, and other (if these features were ordered) in 1 week after the Event.

12. If the Customer has access to the Event management system, the Customer agrees to let Interactio know about any upcoming Event at least 2 business days before the Event via email: success@interactio.io.

13. Considering that the successful provision of Services depends on the Customer's cooperation, the Customer assumes full responsibility for any problems that might arise with the Platform if the Customer fails to follow any of the provisions defined above and/or if the Customer uses the Platform despite meeting all the requirements defined above or recommendations provided by Interactio. In such cases, the Customer commits to refrain from raising any complaints concerning the quality of Interactio Services.

* After reviewing the network setup, the Customer might need third-party services that might cost extra, e.g., additional equipment, internet services, and others.

v. 2023-11-29