Who is responsible for the sound quality: Participants or platforms?

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Crisp-clear audio is a crucial part of efficient video conferencing. According to scientists, distorted sound in digital settings can alter the emotional state. That’s right – zoom fatigue is not a myth! That’s why increasing good sound quality has become a priority.

But whose priority is it: participant’s or platform’s? That’s a great question! Bear with us as we help you better grasp types of sound issues and who’s responsible for sound quality assurance during remote conferencing. 

Types of sound issues

Before we discover the answer to who is responsible for sound quality, it’s crucial to mention the two types of sound issues. The first is participant side issues, and the second is platform side issues. Let’s take a closer look at each one! 

Participant side issues

As you might’ve guessed from the name, participant side issues are usually caused by factors outside the video platform. We’ve identified four types associated with them. Let’s find out what they are! 

  1. Caused by hardware issues. These problems can occur for reasons like participants not wearing headphones or interpreters not using proper equipment. Hardware problems are usually connected to complaints of bad, choppy, muffled sound and audio, hearing echoes, having microphones on but hearing no sound.
  2. Caused by poor internet connection. As the name suggests, unstable internet can generate another set of audio problems. Because of it, people can experience delays in transmission during some talks, non-synchronized sound and video, or unexpected sound loss.
  3. Caused due to the wrong choice of the environment for the occasions. The human factor causes these sound issues. A typical example is when a person connects to an online event while being in an open and loud space. Because of it, static sound, humming, or sound interruptions might happen.
  4. Caused by the participant’s behavior. Behavioral issues influence this last category of problems. Some examples include participants checking in from moving cars or even speaking too fast. These actions might worsen the overall sound experience during the event and be distracting. 

Platform side issues

Platform side issues are usually associated with video conferencing platforms. Bugs, product imperfections, and other similar factors might negatively impact the sound quality. We’ve identified two types of issues related to remote simultaneous interpretation platforms

  1. Varying sound levels. This issue can occur due to incorrect sound processing algorithms or flaws in the platform’s internal volume mixers. You can notice this issue when remote speakers have a much louder sound than on-site speakers. Another typical example is when the interpreters see volume variations between different booths.
  2. Sound processing. Sound processing technology can worsen the audio quality if mismanaged or not used altogether. You can identify it if everyone in a particular meeting has low sound quality and hears continuous jittering noise and any other kind of distortion.

So, who is responsible for sound quality?

Now that we've looked into two types of issues, you might wonder who is responsible for fixing them? 

As indicated by the sound issues categories, two parties are involved. The same applies to fixing them: both participants and platforms are responsible for resolving issues on their side. 

For example, if a participant connects to an online event using faulty headphones and experiences sound disturbance, they should instead use proper ones. However, the platform is responsible for fixing the problem if poor sound quality occurs due to digital sound processing mismanagement.

It's important to note that awareness of sound issues is crucial for each platform user: whether you're a speaker, listener, or interpreter. However, event organizers should be especially aware. Why? Let's just say they are usually the point person in case issues occur. And if your event involves RSI, you need to take care of your interpreters' needs by ensuring good sound quality.

What does it mean for you?

At Interactio, we look at both participant and platform side sound issues. In fact, we’ve prepared a research report on customer sound complaints, where we identified the common sound problems and their solutions. What did we learn from it? That there’s nothing we can’t fix by working together!

We’ve made this research report available to download for free. Why not join us in making the world of sound a better place by becoming aware of the sound issues and their solutions?

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Published on

Jun 17, 2022

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